git » metnum-tp1.git » commit cb17a69

Mas graficos

author Alberto Bertogli
2010-09-07 07:44:49 UTC
committer Alberto Bertogli
2010-09-07 07:44:49 UTC
parent f48a5b0882bba66da9d2e678eba32f6a33d34436

Mas graficos

plot.gpi +21 -5

diff --git a/plot.gpi b/plot.gpi
index c8c3781..6b7a23f 100644
--- a/plot.gpi
+++ b/plot.gpi
@@ -58,6 +58,13 @@ plot \
 	'out/OUT-binomial_inc-prec:51-err' using 1:5 title "Binomial inc", \
 	'out/OUT-binomial_dec-prec:51-err' using 1:5 title "Binomial dec"
+set output "plot/binomial-err-p:15.png"
+set title "Binomial con precisión 15 - Error"
+plot [:150] \
+	'out/OUT-binomial-prec:15-err' using 1:5 title "Binomial", \
+	'out/OUT-binomial_inc-prec:15-err' using 1:5 title "Binomial inc", \
+	'out/OUT-binomial_dec-prec:15-err' using 1:5 title "Binomial dec"
 set output "plot/binomial-err-p:51-detalle.png"
 set title "Binomial con precisión 51 - Error - Detalle"
 plot [25:] \
@@ -168,9 +175,9 @@ set output "plot/binomial_dec-err-i:algunas.png"
 set title "Binomial en algunas iteraciónes - Error"
 plot \
 	'out/OUT-binomial_dec-iter:47-err' using 2:5 title "iter = 47", \
-	'out/OUT-binomial_dec-iter:46-err' using 2:5 title "iter = 46", \
-	'out/OUT-binomial_dec-iter:402-err' using 2:5 title "iter = 402", \
-	'out/OUT-binomial_dec-iter:403-err' using 2:5 title "iter = 403"
+	'out/OUT-binomial_dec-iter:48-err' using 2:5 title "iter = 48", \
+	'out/OUT-binomial_dec-iter:403-err' using 2:5 title "iter = 403", \
+	'out/OUT-binomial_dec-iter:404-err' using 2:5 title "iter = 404"
 # Fracciones continuas
@@ -275,9 +282,8 @@ splot [:26] 'out/OUT-binomial_dec-all-err' using 2:1:5 with lines palette title
 set grid noztics
 unset zrange
 set zlabel "Error (logarítmica, invertida)" rotate by 90 offset -5,0,0
-set title "Binomial dec - Error - Invertido y detalle"
+set title "Binomial dec - Error - Invertido y detalle 2"
 set output "plot/binomial_dec-err-3d-detalle2.png"
 set view 70,102
 set grid ztics
@@ -286,6 +292,16 @@ splot [10:12] [:80] 'out/OUT-binomial_dec-all-err' using 2:1:5 with lines palett
 set grid noztics
 unset zrange
+set zlabel "Error (logarítmica, invertida)" rotate by 90 offset -5,0,0
+set title "Binomial dec - Error - Invertido y detalle 3"
+set output "plot/binomial_dec-err-3d-detalle3.png"
+set view 67,284
+set grid ztics
+set zrange [] reverse
+splot [:30] [40:60] 'out/OUT-binomial_dec-all-err' using 2:1:5 with lines palette title ""
+set grid noztics
+unset zrange
 unset zlabel
 set zlabel "Error (logarítmica)" rotate by 90